Information sources

Here are the web sites and persons who provided the data used to build Gauquelin5 database.
They are listed in chronological order (order of integration in the database). version 5

Online availability of Gauquelin data on was the departure point of g5 program and the main data source used to restore the historical data ; see page Gauquelin data for details.

Note : in november 2020, a new version of CURA database (version 6) was published, but this database became closed data, then not usable by Gauquelin5. This licence was respected, Gauquelin5 only uses informations coming from version 5 of CURA database. So all links to contained in this documentation point to the version of the CURA web site used by g5, on
The precise base URL used by g5 is

Two other pages of with birth dates could be used (published before november 2020): Données de Naissance du CURA 1 (455 Birth Data) and Données de Naissance du CURA 2 (41 Birth Data), not yet included in g5 database. is a web site authored by Nick Kollerstrom. It is the other main source of information of g5 program, giving access to Gauquelin, Arno Müller and Suitbert Ertel data.

This table lists the files containing data on
Original fileg5 integrationDescription
3a_sports.txt Ertel 4391 athletes A file containing 4384 sportsmen of various origin (Gauquelin, skeptics), used by Suitbert Ertel for his eminence tests.
Used in gauquelin5 program to restore names in file A1.
5a_muller_medics.txt Müller 1083 physicians A file containing 1083 physicians for a replication of Gauquelin effects, by Arno Müller and Suitbert Ertel in 1994.
Used in gauquelin5 program to better names in files A2 and E1.
No Two files containing data from CFEPP (french skeptics) experiment published in 1996.
Not used in g5, a more complete file sent by Jan Willem Nienhuys was used instead.
5muller_writers.txt Müller 402 writers A file containing italian writers, from a test done by Arno Müller in 1992.
6_jupiter_actors_data.pdf No Extracts of "The jupiter temperament and actors" contains associations between actor names and character traits. Related to file A5.
Exploitation of this file by g5 program is in theory possible but seems difficult.
Gauquelin A6 3 files containing A6 writers split in 3 groups : poets, novelists, others.
Information added to the database by class commands\gauq\A\A6occu.
9alltraits.xlsx No Contains 2484 associations between persons present in files of serie A and character traits.
Gauquelin ids are provided, addition of this information to the database à priori possible.
Character traits are not in current g5 scope.
11AllTraitsComplete4352with5Planets2.xlsx No Contains 4353 associations between persons present in files of serie A and character traits.
Gauquelin ids are provided, addition of this information to the database à priori possible.
Character traits are not in current g5 scope.
No Two files containing a restoration of Gauquelin 1955 groups, 570SPO and 576MED.
Not used in g5, scans of the original book were used instead.

Nick Kollerstrom

Besides being the author of, Nick Kollerstrom provided help by scanning original documents of Arno Müller : His questions, remarks, complementary informations (scans of Gauquelin booklets) and enthusiasm were also a great help to develop this program.

Kenneth Irving

Kenneth Irving sent the file which permitted to include the CSICOP test in the database ; without his help, restoration of this group wouldn't have been possible (the only known published list, in The Skeptical Inquier 4.2 is almost impossile to use - see page CSICOP SI42).

Jan Wilhem Nienhuys

Jan Willem Nienhuys indicates in one of his articles, "The Mars Effect in Retrospect", that data concerning the CFEPPP test can be obtained upon request. He sent several files and gave the authorization to use one of them for inclusion in opengauquelin.

Gauquelin book "L'influence des astres", 1955

Scans of the original 1955 book were used to build Gauquelin 1955 lists. See pages Gauquelin data and Gauquelin 1955 for details.