Available Castille data
From repository github.com/tig12/g5-other-
a00, birth in France in year 2000
- 591 936 birth days of {mother, father, child}
- 321 838 wedding dates
Total 2 097 646 dates
Untimed data -
family7, 6377 families of 7 children
between 1975 and 2017 in France, from same father and mother (known)
Births of {mother, father and 7 children}
Total 57 393 dates
Untimed data
Didier Castille publications
1999 |
Population and Zodiac Rythms
La Population Française au Rythme du zodiaque Cahiers du R.A.M.S. (Recherches en Astrologie par des Méthodes Scientifiques), numéro 7, 1999. |
1999 |
Sunny Day for a Wedding
Mariages aux Soleils |
A Link between Birth and Death
Un Lien entre la Naissance et le Décès |
Questioning Methods
Questions de Méthode |