Didier Castille data

Didier Castille was working at INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques), the national French institute of statistics. Having access to INSEE data, he conducted statistical tests with millions of dates, studying in particular sun - sun relationships between wife and husband.
I could contact him and he sent a sample of his data. He agreed to make them publicly available online but asked to accompany the data with this notice: - These files are not INSEE files, they are INSEE files adapted by D. Castille.
- These files are neither official nor scientifically valid because they depend on the good faith of D. Castille.

Available Castille data

From repository github.com/tig12/g5-other

Didier Castille publications

1999 Population and Zodiac Rythms
La Population Française au Rythme du zodiaque
Cahiers du R.A.M.S. (Recherches en Astrologie par des Méthodes Scientifiques), numéro 7, 1999.
1999 Sunny Day for a Wedding
Mariages aux Soleils
A Link between Birth and Death
Un Lien entre la Naissance et le Décès
Questioning Methods
Questions de Méthode