Gunter Sachs data

This page documents some contents of the book "Le dossier astrologie" ("The astrology file"), where Gunter Sachs describes the research he made.
The original title of the book is: Die Akte Astrologie, 1997. To perform this research, an institute called IMWA was created.
These data are not handled by g5 program.



Sachs' qualification of statistical significance is above usual requirements.
The significance is given by chi2 test, giving the percentage of chance a given distribution can be observed assuming random chance.
Significance Standard qualification Gunter Sachs
0.1 % Very significant
1 % Very significant Significant
5 % Significant Not very significant

Data summary

In this table,
  • Page numbers refer to the French edition of the book.
  • Each row corresponds to a chapter of the book.
Page N Description
52 - 54 313 368 book sales
23 879 258 persons
Compares the sales of 12 astrology books, each book dealing with a sign, from aries to pisces - and the sign of persons buying those books.
Several corrections are done, and the null hypothesis is : the proportion of books sold about a given sign should correspond to the proportion of the population of this sign.
  • Astrology books sold, 1991 - 1994 (Rolf Heyne from Edition Heyne)
  • Persons born in West Germany, 1950 - 1979 (M. Bosse in Wiesbaden from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany)
57 358 763 weddings of
717 526 persons
358 763 couples, representing 717 526 persons
They compared the astrological signs of the married wife and husband by building a table of 12 x 12 = 144 cells. 1: Wife Aries married to husband Aries, 2: wife Aries married to husband Taurus etc.
The statistical analysis was done by statisticians of the university Ludwig Maximilien, in Munchen.
This study also contains a survey to know if people take care of the sun sign of their partner when they start a relation.
  • Weddings in Switzerland, 1987 - 1994 (Service Fédéral des Statistiques de Berne)
90 6 498 320 weddings One chapter is dedicated to the presentation of a similar work done in France by Didier Castille. Didier Castille worked at INSEE (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques) and has also compared sun signs of husbands and wifes in France.
Weddings in France, 1976 - 1997
100 109 030 couples
  • Divorces in Switzerland, 1987 - 1994 (Service Fédéral des Statistiques de Berne)
118 2 731 766 persons Singles (not married) in Swtzerland aged 18 - 30.
  • 1990 Swiss census, Office fédéral de la statistique
127 231 036 persons Birth dates of persons who registered at Dortmund University (Germany).
  • Winter 1994 - 1995 : 100 082 registration requests
  • Summer 1995 : 31 337 registration requests
  • Winter 1995 - 1996 : 99 617 registration requests
231 036 candidates in 10 different areas
139 4 045 170 persons Persons spread in 4 socio-profesional categories
  • 486 469 independants self-employed (entrepreneurs, liberal professions, farmers)
  • 234 807 management executives
  • 736 392 mid-level managers and foremen
  • 2 587 502 employees and workers
3 580 913 persons gave their precise profession and a more precise analysis is done on 47 professions.
  • 1990 Swiss census, Office fédéral de la statistique
155 1 538 005 persons 32 causes of death for persons deceased between 1969 and 1994 in Switzerland.
After cleaning to have data statistically exploitable, 20 causes of death for 657 492 persons.
165 30 358 persons Analysis using the data of the previous experiment.
30 358 deaths by suicide between 1969 and 1994 in Switzerland.
173 325 866 persons 325 866 penal sentences pronounced in Switzerland between 1986 and 1994.
25 different penal offences.
A second analysis keeps the sufficiently numerous offences, which gives a bit more than 120 000 sentences spread in 10 different penal offences.
183 25 003 driver birth dates
+ accident dates
Car accidents that have occurred in 1996, in United Kingdom.
  • Accident and Insurance Management Company



  23 879 258
+    717 526
+    109 030
+    109 030
+  2 731 766
+    231 036
+  4 045 170
+  1 538 005
+     30 358
+    325 866
+     25 003

= 33 742 048 persons


       313 368 book sales
+      358 763 weddings
+       25 003 accident dates

= 697 134 events