Gauquelin LERRCP - files E1 and E3

Pages 902gdE1.html and 902gdE3.html share the same format and can be handled by the same code.
Each page contains two lists, one with birth data and one with the position of the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the 36 Gauquelin Sectors. These two lists can be merged easily, and planetary positions are included in the generated temporary files.
According to :
E1 contains 2154 French Physicians, Military Men and Executives ; 2153 were found.
E3 contains 1540 New French Writers, Artists, Actors, Politicians and Journalists ; 1539 were found.

G5 integration

Importing raw files in database is done with following commands:
php run-g5.php gauq E1 raw2tmp small
php run-g5.php gauq E3 raw2tmp small
php run-g5.php gauq E1 tmp2db
php run-g5.php gauq E3 tmp2db
Step raw2tmp performs place restoration, geonames matching, timezone offset computation.
Importation of Arno Müller's 1083 medical doctors permits to restore some names in E3.


This command needs a parameter to indicate what it should print :
php run-g5.php gauq E1 raw2tmp
MISSING PARAMETER : raw2tmp needs a parameter to specify which output it displays. Can be :
  small : echoes only global report
  tz : echoes the records for which timezone information is missing
  geo : echoes the records for which geonames matching couldn't be done
  full : equivalent to tz and geo


IMPORTANT : files E1 and E3 differ from other Cura files because records between 1 and 999 are prefixed with zeroes.
To obtain coherent NUM among generated csvfiles, these zeroes were removed to form the NUM of generated files.
This is done in step raw2tmp.


The main problem of files E1 and E3 is that the timezone offset is not given. It can be computed from the place and the date, which means that the place must be identified to be linked with a timezone. This is done through and included in the resulting file.

This gives partial results :
php run-g5.php gauq E1 raw2tmp
Importing E1
2153 lines parsed
267 places not matched
346 timezone offsets not computed
1540 persons stored precisely (71.53 %)
php run-g5.php gauq E3 raw2tmp
Importing E3
1539 lines parsed
224 places not matched
266 timezone offsets not computed
1049 persons stored precisely (68.16 %)
The unmatched cases come from two reasons :
- Some place names are different from geonames ; can be fixed by completing the program in function compute_geo(), where it is possible to write the correspondance between cura names and names.
- Timezone computation refuses to compute unclear cases : during WW1, some parts of France were sometimes french, sometimes german, and timezone computation refuses to handle these cases.


Family and given names were split for common case.
For some records, NAME column of cura files contains a mix of several information : sometimes the maiden name of a woman, or the public pseudonym of a person. More precise code needs to be written to handle this.


Some field contain supplementary information, written before the name in Cura files : + - * or L. Their meaning is explained on Cura pages.
These informations are included in the generated files in column NOTE.

Planetary sectors

Cura pages contain two lists : one with birth data and one with planetary sectors. These two lists can be merged without ambiguity, using field NUM.
Planetary sectors are included in the generated files.

Small errors

Cura files contain several typos.

Errors in 902gdE1.html

  • Error in saturn sector number
    0517	26 28 20 01 lt3	DANIAUD Jean
    Error not fixed yet.
  • Error in moon sector
    0560	o8 05 07 36 29	DELAY Maurice
    Value o8 probably to replace with 08, but didn't check.
    Error not fixed yet.
  • Typos in the names of 27 persons (O are replaced by zero ; A by 3 ; S by 5, G by 6 ; B by 8).
    These typos are present in both lists (list with birth data and list with sectors).
    These errors are fixed in raw2tmp code.
    0483    EX       COURB0T Henri                   12    02    1902    20:00    Courchelettes             59
    0642    PH     + DUB0S René                      20    02    1901    10:00    St-Brice                  78
    0654    MI       DUD0GNON Martial                01    06    1900    22:00    Ambazac                   87
    0743    MI       FERRIERES de SAUVEB0EUF Guy     12    10    1919    22:00    Tours                     37
    0746    MI       FEUVRIER Ch3rles                29    01    1915    01:00    Damprichart               25
    0879    PH       G0DECHOT Roger                  15    12    1922    04:00    Nancy                     54
    0880    MI     * G0DEFROY Charles                29    12    1888    07:00    La Flèche                 72
    0881    PH     - G0DLEWSKI Guy                   20    04    1913    09:00    St-Mandé                  94
    0882    PH       G0DLEWSKI Jean                  08    08    1919    15:00    St-Mandé                  94
    0883    PH       G0DLEWSKI Stanislas             02    12    1919    23:30    Sorgues                   84
    0885    PH       G0LDE Alice (DUPUY)             10    08    1928    23:40    Corbeil-Essonnes          91
    0886    EX       G0MA Michel                     12    03    1932    23:30    Montcrabeau               47
    0887    MI       G0MBEAUD Jean                   29    06    1907    15:00    Billère                   66
    0888    EX       G0MEZ Francine (LE FOYER)       12    10    1932    01:40    Boulogne-Billt            92
    0890    PH       G0RET Pierre                    27    08    1907    11:00    Rosières-en-Santer        80
    0891    PH       G0SSEREZ Maurice                18    03    1911    08:00    Montpellier               34
    0892    PH       G0UDAL Gaston                   11    05    1910    06:00    Bagnac                    46
    0893    EX       G0UDARD Jean-Michel             13    11    1939    21:00    Montpellier               34
    0894    PH    +* G0UGEROT Henri                  02    07    1881    05:00    St-Ouen                   75
    0897    MI       G0UJON Pierre                   27    09    1910    06:00    Maisons-Lafitte           78
    0898    PH       G0UMAIN André                   16    06    1910    15:00    Pau                       64
    0899    PH     + G0UNELLE Hugues                 27    02    1903    03:30    Châteauroux               36
    0901    EX       G0UZE-RENAL Christine           30    12    1914    08:30    Mouchard                  39
    0998    MI     L HETTIER de B0ISLAMBERT Cl.      26    07    1906    12:00    Hérouvillette             14
    1119    MI     * LAB0UCHERE René                 13    02    1890    05:00    Paris 8ème                75
    1797    PH       R0BERT François                 15    09    1914    15:00    St-Avold                  57
    1801    PH       R0BLIN Jean                     24    06    1914    11:00    Guer                      56

Errors in 902gdE3.html

  • A space is missing between mars and jupiter sector nb for record 0811 :
    0811	04 26 2104 08	IZARD Georges
    Error fixed.
  • The same type of typo found in E1 file occurs for 9 records.
    These errors are corrected by the program.
    0309    PAI      CHARB0NNIER Pierre              24    08    1897    13:00    Vienne                    38   
    0383    JO       C0QUET James de                 16    07    1898    01:00    Bordeaux                  33   
    0488    AC       DESCRIERES Georges (BER6É-D.)   15    04    1930    09:00    Bordeaux                  33   
    0497    PO       DESTREMAU 8ernard               11    02    1917    17:30    Paris 16ème               75   
    0703    PO       GIAC0BBI François               19    07    1919    09:00    Venaco                    20   
    0784    PO       HERISS0N Charles                12    10    1831    10:00    Surgy                     58   
    0836    PO       J05PIN Lionel                   12    07    1937    23:10    Meudon                    92   
    1308    PO       RIB0T Alexandre                 03    02    1842    01:00    St-Omer                   62   
    1326    PO       R0BERT Pierre                   17    05    1875    23:30    Montbrison                42   


  • More information can be extracted from names : maiden name, nobility, nickname