Arno Müller

Arno Müller (1941 - 2005) is the second data collector of the historical period after Gauquelin.
Quotation from Astrodatabank: German psychologist, parapsychologist ("Institut fuer Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Freiburg"’), head of the Institute for Medical Psychology in Homburg-Saar, Germany, research astrologer (statistics), data collector and publisher of data books.

He has published 5 booklets with birth times of famous persons, named Astro-Forschungs-Daten (noted AFD), containing a total of 3475 persons (1 duplicate person was found - Quasimodo Salvatore, being both M1-367 and M2-457). All these groups could be reconstituted. 4 are integrated in the database ; 1145 members of German dynasties is available but not integrated yet.

He is also reported to have collected 1138 German physicians, but this dataset has not been published, and original data couldn't be found so far (this dataset is possibly lost).

Müller unique id

Permits to identify a person published by Arno Müller in g5 database.
Noted MUID in output csv files.
Müller data were published in five booklets called Astro-Forschungs-Daten, from 1 to 5.
The Müller unique id is built concatenating
  • the letter "M",
  • the number of the volume where the person was published,
  • the value of its identifier within this volume.

For example, Beonio-Brocchieri Vittorio 1902-05-04 was published as record NR 42 in Astro-Forschungs-Daten 1 (group of 402 italian writers).
His MUID is M1-42
For persons present in several Müller volumes, its Müller unique id is built from the volume where it was first published.

Müller unique id is one of the partial ids defined in g5 database. See complete list of partial ids.