Anonymous data

These data are not (not yet?) part of the opengauquelin database. These are millions of anonymous data: birth, wedding, death and various events.
The purpose of these pages is to list and document these data and their context.
Date Country Author(s) Numbers Details Published Birth time
1970 - 1984 FR Michel et Françoise Gauquelin 128 162 persons Yes Yes
1979 CH Gunter Sachs 33 742 048 persons
721 013 events
No No
2000 FR Didier Castille,
Sunny day for a wedding
Around 6.5 millions of weddings
= ~ 13 000 000 persons
Weddings in France between 1976 and 1997 No No
FR Didier Castille, published data 1 833 201 persons
321 838 wedding dates
Sent in november 2020 Yes No
FR Didier Castille, total data Unknown 56 615 155 persons from 1990 census
56 313 173 after correction
No No
2007 UK David Voas 20 635 346 persons
= 10 317 673 couples
No No