408 U.S. sportsmen

This page describes the restoration of the CSICOP test (USA 1979). This was possible thanks to a file sent by Kenneth Irving (N = 408 ; this file was previously unpublished).
Lists coming from Skeptical Inquier VOL IV NO. 2 WINTER 1979-80 and Gauquelin file D10 were also used to bring corrections to Irving's file (details on page page CSICOP SI42).
This file contains 190 records already present in Cura file D10, and brings 218 new birth dates.

Result of this restoration : csicop-irving-408.csv.zip

Information sources

Informations used to compute this group can be found in several places.
  • Irving file is the main file of this restoration. Irving's original file is file CSICOP.DOC located in directory github.com/tig12/g5-aux/tree/main/1979-csicop/rawlins-ertel-irving.
    This directory contains a README file with comments by Kenneth Irving (KI). Extract from README : This is the original raw data, which shows Rawlins' listing of name, date, time, plus his sector calculation for each. along with the batch number.

    An interest of CSICOP.DOC is the presence of a column "BATCH", which correspond to the 3 "canvasses", 3 distinct steps of data retrieval by CSICOP (128 + 198 + 82 = 408).
    This file contains longitude and latittude, but not birth place name.
  • Skeptical Inquier VOL IV NO. 2 WINTER 1979-80, p 60 - 63 : in the article "Response to the Gauquelins" (Paul Kurtz, Marvin Zelen, and George Abell), the appendix contains the list of 408 names, with birth date (not time), state, mars sector.
    This PDF is on skepticalinquirer.org/1980/01/response_to_the_gauquelins.
  • Skeptical Inquier VOL IV NO. 2 WINTER 1979-80, p 41 : in the article "Star U.S. Sportsmen Display the Mars Effect - A comment on the Kurtz-Zelen-Abell experiment" (Michel and Francoise Gauquelin), appendix I contains the list of 108 sportsmen gathered in canvas 1.
    This PDF is on skepticalinquirer.org/1980/01/star_us_sportsmen_display_the_mars_effect/
  • The tenacious Mars Effect, p SE-19 to SE-31 permits to understand the 192 records of CSICOP present in Gauquelin D10.
    The match between CSICOP group and D10 can be done thanks to Ertel's file of 4391 sportsmen.
    Note : Ertel talks about 192 records, but g5 code finds 190 matches.

g5 integration

A copy of CSICOP.DOC is included in g5 program as data/raw/csicop/rawlins-ertel-irving/rawlins-ertel-irving.csv

Transcriptions of informations found in the Skeptical Inquier PDFs are included in g5 in direcory data/raw/csicop/si42

Preparatory work


A previous attempt to restore this group was done using Skeptical Inquier vol IV NO. 2 (named here si42) - see page CSICOP SI42.

The command
php run-g5.php csicop irving look si42
permits to compare Irving dates with si42.

This shows two kinds of differences :
  • Different ids : some records were numbered differently. The decision was made to keep numbers used in si42, for two reasons :
    • Skeptical Inquier list is the only (known) published list.
    • This list respects alphabetical order.
    This concerns 12 records ; the correspondance is expressed in constant IRVING_SI42 of class g5\commands\csicop\irving\Irving.
    This matching is included in the code of step raw2tmp.
  • Different dates : 11 records have different dates.
    php run-g5.php csicop irving look si42
    irving 72 1948-10-25 KY Cowens David W
    si42   72 1948-10-28 KY Cowens D.
    irving 171 1919-02-16 KY Huber Lee
    si42   171 1919-02-06 KY Huber L.
    irving 227 1949-08-22 CA Love Stan
    si42   227 1949-09-22 CA Love S.
    irving 231 1945-08-28 OH Lynch James
    si42   231 1945-09-28 OH Lynch J.
    irving 252 1938-04-17 NJ Merz Curtis
    si42   252 1928-04-17 NJ Merx C.
    irving 283 1922-07-09 CA Pollard James
    si42   283 1922-07-04 CA Pollard J
    irving 286 1926-11-12 OH Ratterman George
    si42   286 1936-11-12 OH Ratterman G.
    irving 332 1939-07-31 VA Snead Norman
    si42   332 1879-07-31 VA Snead N.
    irving 360 1933-12-29 WI Thurston Frederick C
    si42   360 1935-12-29 WI Thurston F.
    irving 373 1945-03-15 OH Volk Richard R
    si42   373 1945-03-05 OH Volk R.
    irving 400 1917-07-09 OR Wintermute Urgel
    si42   400 1917-07-19 OR Wintermute U.
    11 differences
    The only way to solve these cases is to check in civil registries ; this was not done, and dates coming from Irving file were kept.

Ertel 4391

The decision to keep Skeptical Inquier's numbers leads to bring corrections in Ertel 4391 file, included in step tweak2tmp of this file.
Once these corrections done, a comparison on dates shows 3 differences between Ertel and Irving file.
php run-g5.php csicop irving look ertel
CSICOP 51 = Ertel 805
Irving 1933-12-09 Campbell Milton
Ertel  1933-09-12 Campbell Milton

CSICOP 90 = Ertel 1350
Irving 1947-01-12 Dempsey Tom
Ertel  1947-01-21 Dempsey Tom

CSICOP 299 = Ertel 3571
Irving 1942-04-14 Rose Peter Ed
Ertel  1942-04-12 Rose Peter Ed.

187 records match dates
3 Irving dates different from Ertel 4391
Here also, the only way to be sure is to see the birth certificates. This was not done, and dates coming from Irving file were kept.

Restoration process

The conversion of raw file to database is done with these commands :
php run-g5.php csicop si42 raw2tmp
php run-g5.php csicop si42 addCanvas1
php run-g5.php csicop irving raw2tmp
php run-g5.php csicop irving addD10
php run-g5.php csicop irving tmp2db


php run-g5.php csicop irving raw2tmp
The original file looks like that :
1      Aaron  Henry Louis  5  2  1934  8  25    P     6         AL      88   3    30   41   BASE      21    1                                            
The generated file looks like that :
CSID GQID   FNAME GNAME         DATE             TZ     PLACE  LG     LAT      CY C2 SPORT  MA36 CANVAS
1    D10-2  Aaron Henry Louis   1934-02-05 20:25 -06:00 Mobile -88.05 30.68333 US AL BASE   21   1


php run-g5.php csicop irving addD10
Adds field PLACE to 190 records.

CSICOP unique id

As described in paragraph Preparatory work, the persons of this group were numbered using the order published in The Skeptical Inquier vol. 4.2 (which is different from the order in Irving's file).
This number is used to build the CSICOP unique id, built concatenating
  • the letters "CS"
  • an hyphen (-)
  • the number identifying the person.

Ex: John Benington (1921-12-31), person nb 28 in SI 4.2 file, has CSICOP id = CS-28.

CSICOP unique id is one of the partial ids defined in g5 database. See complete list of partial ids.