G5 Occupations

An occupation represents the activity of a person, ≃ the profession.
Initial occupations are defined in a csv file in data/db/occu
Groups are used to model occupations, so occupations benefit from the direct acyclic graph (DAG) structure, meaning that an occupation may have one or several parents, and one or several children. Occupations example Like for any group, one person can be associated to one or several occupations.

The associations between a person and its occupations are sored using table person_groop. Groups' property apply ("When a person belongs to a group, it also belongs to all the ancestors of this group").
For example, a musician also belongs to the group of artists.

Field occus

In the database, occupations are also stored in a person's field, occus.
The rule applied for this field is: Field occus contains only the most specific occupations.
This rule is implemented by Person::addOccus().

Logic of field occus is different from the logic of table person_groop.