Matching Gauquelin 1955 - LERRCP

The following documentation is obsolete.
It corresponds to an earlier stage of development, before merging all imported files in a database.
This page details the process used to reconstitute the groups presented in Michel Gauquelin's book of 1955, "Les hommes et les astres", and published by Gauquelin in serie A of LERRCP booklet.
The particularity of this process is that it mixes transformations done by programs and by humans.
Restoration is almost complete for the group "570 sportifs" from file A1, and more partial for other groups.

Restoration process

Restoration of the group "570 sportifs" (570SPO) is used to illustrate the process. Transformations of files, from A1 to G55 original and corrected Note : the directory names used in this page relate to the corresponding entries of config.yml.
For example, the default value of 1-cura-raw directory is data/1-raw/
See documentation on configuration.
  1. Store data on a local machine. By human or program.
    See page about Cura.
    Raw files are in 1-cura-raw directory.
  2. Extract data from html pages to generate csv files. By program.
    This step also applies corrections.
    See page about corrections done to files of serie A.
    Generated csv files are in 5-cura-csv/ directory.
    These two steps correspond to the generation of A1, see page about Cura A.
    php run-g5.php ertel sport raw2csv
    php run-g5.php cura A1 all
  3. Copy the generated file to a directory dedicated to human modifications. By human.
    Files are copied from 5-cura-csv/ to 3-cura-marked/.
  4. Associate cura data to Gauquelin 1955 original groups. By human.
    The files of 3-cura-marked/ are modified :
    • A new column "1955" is created.
    • This column is filled with Gauquelin 1955 group codes, (the list is in class src/g5/commands/g55/G55.php).

    Edition looks like that : Associate cura records with Gauquelin 1955 groups
  5. Generate one file per original 1955 group. By program.
    php run-g5.php g55 570SPO marked2generated
    This extracts the rows marked with "570SPO" from 3-cura-marked/A1.csv to generate 5-g55-generated/570SPO.csv
  6. Copy these files to directory 3-g55-edited/ By human.
    Files of 5-g55-generated/ must then be copied to 3-g55-edited/, a directory dedicated to human modifications.
  7. Edit the files located in 3-g55-edited/ (by human).
    This is the long part of the work : note the differences between Gauquelin 1955 book and cura data.
    Once a file has been copied to 3-g55-edited/, columns where the corrections will be written are manually added.
    These column are named with a postfix _55.
    • GIVEN_55 : Given name
    • FAMILY_55 : Family name
    • HOUR_55 : Hour HH:MM
    • DAY_55 : Day YYYY-MM-DD
    • PLACE_55 : Name of place (Exact spelling of
    • C2_55 : COD in cura vocabulary = ADM2 in geonames = département for France
    • CY_55 : ISO 3166 country code
    • OCCU_55 : Occupation code
    • NOTES_55 : Free notes
    The column are filled only when the values read in the book differ from the values retrieved from cura file.
    This step is easier when two persons work together : one reads the book, the other writes the corrections

    In step 5, the program added a column ORIGIN, filled with the code of cura file (for 570SPO.csv, this column is filled with value A1).
    Some records are present in Gauquelin book and not in cura file ; in this case, the field ORIGIN is noted G55.
  8. Generate downloadable files (by program)
    Only 570SPO for the moment.
    There are two versions of each 1955 group, an original and a corrected version.
    • Original groups
      Original groups are meant to reproduce as exactly as possible the historical version of the groups.
      They are built using data from 3-g55-edited/ and 5-cura-csv/.
      For a given field, if a value in corresponding *_55 column exists in a 3-g55-edited/ file, it is retained. Otherwise, the value is taken from 5-cura-csv/.

      The generation is done with the command
      php run-g5.php g55 570SPO genOrig
      It produces a file in a directory specified by 9-g55-original/ in config.yml.
    • Corrected groups
      Corrected groups are meant to integrate all the corrections on the data.
      Build process is the same as for original groups, but the *_G55 fields of 3-g55-edited/ are not used, except for records present only in Gauquelin book and not in Cura files (field ORIG = g55 in 3-g55-edited/) are also added.

      The generation is done with the command
      php run-g5.php g55 570SPO genCorr
      It produces a file in a directory specified by 9-g55-corrected in config.yml.
  9. Check data
    Not represented in the diagram. Concerns files of 9-g55-original/
    To check that the original file corresponds to the informations written in the book.
    Involves 2 persons ; one reads the book, the other checks that the file contains the same values.
    The check is done on fields birthdate, day and hour.
    Done only for 9-g55-original/570SPO.csv


From file A1

Step marked2generated permit to see that A files do not contain all records.
php run-g5.php g55 570SPO marked2generated
Generating data/5-tmp/g55-generated/570SPO.csv - 564 persons stored

From file A2

php run-g5.php g55 508MED marked2generated
Generating data/5-tmp/g55-generated/508MED.csv - 505 persons stored
php run-g5.php g55 576MED marked2generated
Generating data/5-tmp/g55-generated/576MED.csv - 570 persons stored
php run-g5.php g55 349SCI marked2generated
Generating data/5-tmp/g55-generated/349SCI.csv - 277 persons stored
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