"570 sportifs" - A1
Summary :- "570 sportifs" contains 4 records not present in A1.
- "570 sportifs" contains at least 2 erroneous dates and one erroneous time.
- 2 dates couln't be checked due to lack of reliable information source.
Missing records in A1
The commandphp run-g5.php g55 570SPO edited2cura nocuragenerates the following table containing the records that are present in 1955 original group, but absent from file A1.
Lunnis | Jacques | 1923-05-27 | 16:30:00 | Pierrecourt | FR | 76 | ATH | Seine Inférieure |
Dupré | Victor | 1884-03-11 | 1 | Roanne | FR | 42 | CYC | |
Vignal | René | 1928-08-12 | 20:30:00 | Béziers | FR | 34 | FOO | |
Yvonne | Jeanne | 1910-07-14 | 01:00:00 | Paris | FR | 75 | FEM | Paris 18e - https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yvonne_Jeanne |
Different dates
The command (informative only)php run-g5.php g55 570SPO edited2cura datelists the differences between dates of Cura5 A files and Gauquelin 1955 groups.
This command doesn't consider timezone offset, only compares days and hours.
Warning : Current execution of this command gives now different results because some corrections were included in
- Some lines can be explained by legal time restoration in serie A.
Some lines may indicate a bug in the code of legal time restoration :
cura | g55 883 CYC 1884-04-07 Seres Georges 21:04 | 21:00 1934 RUG 1890-04-22 Lerou Roger 22:55 | 23:00 2044 TEN 1886-12-12 Blanchy François 08:55 | 09:00 2083 TIR 1876-05-29 Parmentier André 03:55 | 04:00
Bug in equation of time ? -
Some lines show real differences between Cura5 files and Gauquelin 1955 book :
different hours : cura | g55 688 BOX Thil Marcel 1904-05-29 22:00 | 07:00 different days : cura | G55 36 ATH El Mabrouk Mohamed : 1928-10-27 | 1928-10-17 589 BOX Clavel Michel : 1931-03-13 | 1931-03-12 595 BOX Cuillieres René : 1929-07-22 | 1929-07-12 1277 FOO Cheuva André : 1908-05-30 | 1908-05-10 1976 RUG Puig-Aubert Henri : 1924-03-24 | 1925-03-24 1999 RUG Terreau Maurice : 1923-01-30 | 1923-01-30
688 BOX Thil Marcel 1904-05-29
English Wikipedia gave a different date (1904-05-25), but french wikipedia gives the same date (1904-05-29).
Birth certificate is available online : Registres paroissiaux et d'état civil - collection communale SAINT-DIZIER, p 36 / 88. It says "vingt neuf mai à dix heures du soir" ; see image. English wikipedia is now fixed.
Cura5 is then correct, both for day and time.
Fix not needed -
36 ATH El Mabrouk Mohamed
Can be found on web pages (for example wikipedia or racingpast.ca) as Patrick El Mabrouk, and the birthdate (1928-10-10) differs from Cura5 and G55.
Not present in CFEPP paper book.
Not fixed - waiting for a reliable source. -
589 BOX Clavel Michel
Can be found on web pages (example boxrec.com, fightstat.com, astro.com), indicating G55 value (1931-03-12).
A priori, cura is erroneous, G55 is OK.
Fixed in3-cura-tweaked/A1.yml
. -
595 BOX Cuillieres René
Couldn't find it neither on a web site independant from Gauquelin data nor in CFEPP paper book.
Not fixed - waiting for a reliable source. -
1277 FOO Cheuva André
Birth certificate is available online : HELLEMMES-LILLE N / [1907-1909], p 115 / 237. Date is "aujourd'hui, trente mai, à quatre heures du matin".
Cura5 is OK ; G55 is erroneous.
Fix not needed -
1976 RUG Puig-Aubert Henri
Can be found on wikipedia ; the date corresponds to G55 (1925-03-24).
Not fixed - waiting for a reliable source. -
1999 RUG Terreau Maurice
Can be found on web pages (for example wikipedia) ; the date corresponds to G55 (1923-01-30).
Also present in CFEPP paper book ; the date and time correspond to G55.
A priori, cura is erroneous, G55 is OK.
Fixed in3-cura-tweaked/A1.yml
Different occupation codes
The commandphp run-g5.php g55 570SPO edited2cura occugenerates the following table containing the differences for occupation codes between 1955 original group and Cura5 file A1.
80 | Veste | Paulette | 1928-02-24 20:00:00+00:00 | LESPESSES | ATH | FEM |
546 | Merle | Genevieve | 1927-02-21 04:00:00+00:00 | Saint-Georges-d'Orques | BAS | FEM |
1710 | Vogelbacher | Jeanette | 1922-02-02 03:30:00+00:00 | BELFORT | GYM | FEM |
1731 | Brassart | Yvonne | 1904-03-01 06:40:40+00:00 | Neuilly-sur-Seine | HOC | FEM |
1734 | Faure-Beaulieu | Suzanne | 1905-08-29 14:50:40+00:00 | Dammarie-les-Lys | HOC | FEM |
1761 | Casteur | Odette | 1927-11-11 22:53:00+00:00 | TOURCOING | NAT | FEM |
1778 | Vallerey | Gisèle | 1930-01-22 08:00:00+00:00 | AMIENS | NAT | FEM |
1783 | Legendre | René | 1899-10-21 22:50:40+00:00 | BORDEAUX | NAT | PAT |
1784 | Robert | Raoul | 1912-01-06 03:00:00+00:00 | PESSAC | NAT | PAT |
But two cases classified as NAT (natation - swimming) in cura data, and PAT (patin à roulettes - roller skate) in Gauquelin book need an explanation.